The purpose of rubber lining is to protect the vessels, tanks and piping against corrosion and/or erosion damage
and increasing the life of their service. In present work isoprene/natural rubber is used to prepare the lining material
for 33% diluted HCL acid storage tank.Fiber reinforcement plastic (FRP) is a resin lining used to raise the durability and safety by introducing a lining inside
of concrete tanks, walls, ceilings, wood, concrete block, and many other solid surfaces. FRP prevents them from
structural cracks which generally occurs due to the chemical attacks.PVC Liners are highly flexible and impermeable films most commonly used in 20 mil, 30 mil and 40 mil thicknesses.
PVC is widely used as a liner material for numerous pond and containment applications. It makes an excellent choice for
containment of chemicals, liquids and wastes.